Brazil Tree
Planting Initiative

In November 2023, CCSL proudly partnered with the Association of the Golden Lion Tamarin (Associação mico-leão-dourado) and DARWIN200 to plant 2,500 indigenous trees as part of a reforestation project to create a corridor of linking two key sections of the Atlantic Rainforest in Brazil

This project is instrumental in restoring vital habitat for the survival of wildlife specifically the endangered Golden Lion Tamarin, a species facing rapid decline and imminent extinction due to centuries of deforestation-induced habitat fragmentation, leaving only 2,500 in the wild. This initiative has linked two divided regeneration areas to enable a direct walkway between reforested wildlife territories.

We extend our heartfelt gratitude to everyone involved, from our partners and supporters to the dedicated individuals who contributed their time and resources. Together, we’ve made a tangible impact on biodiversity preservation and the protection of this incredible species.

While this project concluded the first phase of our work, our passion for sustainability and environmental stewardship continues. Stay tuned for updates on future initiatives and ways you can participate in our ongoing efforts to create a more sustainable world for all.

This ground breaking initiative in Brazil serves as a precursor to a series of larger, scalable ESG (Environmental, Social, and Governance) projects that CCSL will launch in Brazil and globally from 2024 onwards.

We offer our community and project stakeholders sustainable investment solutions and revenue opportunities:

1. Sustainable Solutions & Revenues for the Community: Participation in regeneration projects using natural environmental and advanced technology solutions, tailored to achieve carbon reduction outcomes with tradable VERs (Verified Emission Reductions).

2. Local- International Partnerships: We partner locally while integrating international expertise, managing project delivery on the ground in real-time, respecting local communities and utilizing local manpower and offices.

3. Sustainability Coupled with Profitability: CCSL’s unique investment partnership combines sustainable site management, improving local environmental quality, and socio-economics with revenue generation expertise.

Our Projects Include:

 – A pipeline of CCSL – qualified reforestation projects in India and Africa compliant with VER standards, ensuring 15-20 years of revenue generation and trading.

 – Equipped with local management, logistics and manpower, these projects are scalable for multiple commitments right from the start.

This commitment to sustainability and community involvement defines CCSL’s mission to create a world where environmental preservation and profitability go hand in hand.